Friday, October 17, 2014

To my husband, after a busy summer

This past summer was one of my hardest to date. Work got busy for Max starting in about April and here we are, in October, and I have no idea where the past 6 months went. I spent about half of a span of 12 weeks alone with the baby. Even when Max was in town, he often worked late and missed dinner/bedtime with Knox so it was all me. When festival season started we had a cute, cuddly baby that was just starting to crawl. Now it's over and we have a full blown toddler running around our living room. Add to that my own busy job and suffice it to say, I am tired.

 Not only did my poor husband miss seeing our little guy all of that time, but we missed seeing and talking to each other. Max and I have been best friends since the beginning. We've always shared the details of our days with each other. But now, after a summer apart and a 1 year old toddler ruling our days, I often feel like we barely get to talk.

 On a recent morning after dropping Knox off at daycare, I called Max on his cell phone. I think in the course of the hour we had together before leaving the house that we said only a handful of words to each other. And, they were things like...
"It's 7:30, he slept late. Get up."
"Either get him dressed or feed him. I'm going to shower."
"Love you. Have a good day." (said through rolled down window of my car, accompanied with a quick kiss)
Our phone conversation went about like this
Max: "What's up?"
 Me: "Nothing, we just didn't get to talk this morning."
 Max: "Oh, Hi!" (read tone: surprised and then understanding)

Now that festival season is over, I am hopeful and excited for the fall and winter. The slow season. The season of reconnecting, of vacation time, of family time. So, to kick off this new season I wanted to share my wedding vows. They make me happy, they give me hope.

"To quote one of our favorite reality TV shows, Bethany Ever After, 'I am a difficult human being.' I think most of the people here today know that to be a fact and you most definitely do.
I can be a bit of a princess, I am very demanding and I have what my mom might call a 'smart mouth.'
Most people don't get past these barriers. Most people never really get to know me.
But, you not only know me, you have become a part of me.
You know that deep down I want you to push back and not let me run the show.
You know that sometimes when I put up a tough front that what I actually need is a hug and some encouragement but I can't quite ask for it.
I love you for taking the time to know me and always being so patient, kind and loving. You have never pushed me to be anyone other than exactly who I am but you do push me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be.
You are one of the most genuinely amazing people that I have ever met.
I feel so honored to be marrying a man that no one can think of a single negative thing to say about. You are my best friend and I love you more than I ever imagined was possible in this life.
I can not wait to call myself your wife.
I can not wait to have children with you and I can not wait to grow old with you.
I love you so much."

So, to my husband, after a busy summer I say: I'm so excited to spend the first full weekend with you in over a month!  Pumpkin patches, movie dates and bagels here we come!

 xoxo, Ashley

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