Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bringing Sexy Back

I've always struggled a bit with wearing clothes and accessories that I would call "my style."  I've spent a lot of time in life worrying more about how flattering (or unflattering) a particular item of clothing might look on my body and this has kept me from wearing a lot of things that I might actually like.

I've also always had a difficult time with the concept of being very feminine.  Femininity in my brain is very closely associated with being "girly" and that's just not something I identify with.  However, when I was younger I made a resolution one year to be more feminine.  I accomplished this by simply wearing earrings.  Earrings gave way to necklaces and a watch and even a dress here or there.  It worked.  I mixed a little feminine touch into my otherwise very neutral style.

Fast forward to today.  I'm on the brink of my 32nd birthday, have a 1 year old running around the house and I am still carrying around too much baby weight.  Let's just say I haven't been feeling so hot for a while now.  I lost a lot of weight after Knox was born but it's slowly crept back up over the past year and I am just SO over it.  So, I am starting to focus on eating healthier and finding a way to make time to exercise.  But, more than just losing the weight I need to get my sexy back!  I really do believe that it is extremely important to love yourself no matter what your jean size is.  When you look good, you feel good.

So, I've decided to kick off this winter with a new resolution: be more sexy/stylish!  Like my past attempt to be more feminine, I'm going to start small.  This time, I believe the start is with this new pair of black leather ankle boots that I treated myself to.  When I saw them online I thought 1. those are hot and 2. I can't pull something that hot off.  But, a wise coworker of mine said something to me when I pulled these boots out of the box...something along the lines of her hating people that say they aren't sure they can pull something off.  That you just have to wear it if you like it.  Just wear it.  YES, YOU ARE SO RIGHT!  So, today I am wearing the boots.  I happened to have some clothes in my closet that looked awesome with said boots and honestly, I'm looking pretty fly today.

So there it is, folks.  I'm bringing sexy back.  There might be some toddler snot on my black jeans today where Knox wiped his nose as he hugged my legs but I won't let that slow me down.




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